Five Themes Webquest
1. Japan -
- Location- Location is a particular place or position. There are technically 2 kinds of location. There is relative location and then there is absolute location. Japan's relative location is that it is a island country in East Asia. It is located in the Pacific Ocean. It is East of China, Korea, and Russia. Japan's absolute location is 36 degrees North and 138 degrees East.
- Place- Place is a particular position or point in space. It is also an area that is defined by everything in it. There are many places in Japan such as Tokyo, Misawa, Osaka, etc.
- Human Environmental Interaction- Human Environmental Interaction is the relationships between people and their environment. Basically it is how people adapt to their environment and how they change it. People in Japan live much closer to the ocean so the climate is different than what the United States would be. Because of how they live next to the ocean, they have limited land to farm so it affects what people have to eat. They tend to eat a lot of seafood. Their houses are much smaller than Americans, unless you lived in places like Tokyo. They would live in apartments.
- Movement- Movement is the way people, products, information and ideas move from one place to another. For people to move to other areas, they had to use bicycles, cars, trains, boats, etc. That is how most things in Japan are exported and imported.
- Region- Region is an area that is defined by certain similar characteristics. Characteristics such as physical, natural, human, and culture. Japan has mountains such as Mt. Fuji which is a 12, 389 ft. Some Natural regions are the Nansei Islands, Ogasawara Islands, etc.
- Reflection on Trip- The trip to Japan was absolutely amazing! I got to go to places like the hot springs, see students at a Japanese school, see the environment in Japan and so much more. I was living in Tokyo for a few days and got to see how the buildings looked and how people were. There were people walking everywhere and buildings with a bunch of signs and everything. It was an amazing trip. I hope I can go again!
2. China -

- Location- Location is a particular place or position. There are technically 2 kinds of location. There is relative location and then there is absolute location. China's relative location is that it is located south of Mongolia and Russia, northeast of India and Nepal, north of Vietnam and Burma, and west of Korea. China's absolute location is 39 degrees North and 116 degrees East.
- Place- Place is a particular position or point in space. It is also an area that is defined by everything in it. There are many places in China such as The Great Wall of China, Xian, Beijing, etc.
- Human Environmental Interaction- Human Environmental Interaction is the relationships between people and their environment. Basically it is how people adapt to their environment and how they change it. People in China would wear hats a lot due to the sun. They would adapt to the rain by having in cut roofs. They would change the environment by building roads, building houses, cutting down trees, planting crops, polluting the atmosphere with carbon dioxide, etc.
- Movement- Movement is the way people, products, information and ideas move from one place to another. For people in China, they had to use planes, trains, buses, and bicycles. For products and ideas, they used the same transportation as people and boats.
- Region- Region is an area that is defined by certain similar characteristics. Characteristics such as physical, natural, human, and culture. China has regions like traditional regions, economic regions, and nationalist regions. Some traditional regions are East China, North China, Northeast China, Northwest China, South Central China, and Southwest China.
- Reflection on Trip- The trip to China was interesting. Even though they live on the same continent as Japan, they are kind of different. They had an amazing place called the Great Wall of China and it was just so huge. I loved it! I saw that China was a lot more into farming than Japan. I also got to see the highest mountain there which was Mt. Everest. It was such an exciting trip.
3. Philippines-

- Location- Location is a particular place or position. There are technically 2 kinds of location. There is relative location and then there is absolute location. The Philippine's relative location is that it is South of Taiwan and China, East of Vietnam, Northeast of Malaysia and Brunei, and North of Indonesia. It's absolute location is between 4 degrees North and 21 degrees North latitude, 116 degrees East and 127 degrees East longitude.
- Place- Place is a particular position or point in space. It is also an area that is defined by everything in it. The Philippines has many places such as Manila, Cebu, Davao City, etc.
- Human Environmental Interaction- Human Environmental Interaction is the relationships between people and their environment. Basically it is how people adapt to their environment and how they change it. The people in the Philippines depended on the weather and the land. They used things like waterfalls to make a restaurant or used the weather to make good crops and plants. They would adapt to their environment by building house.
- Movement- Movement is the way people, products, information and ideas move from one place to another. For people in the Philippines, they would use rail transportation or water transportation or go by foot. They would use the same for moving items and products.
- Region- Region is an area that is defined by certain similar characteristics. Characteristics such as physical, natural, human, and culture. The Philippines has physical regions like mountains, coastal plains, valleys, springs, and volcanoes. Natural regions would be the volcanoes and the water areas.
- Reflection on Trip- The trip to the Philippines was a blast. I got to visit a restaurant they had they which took place at a waterfall. Thinking that it would be an urban country was a mistake. It is actually pretty rural on some parts of the Philippines. I got to go the beach there which was amazing due to the perfect weather and environment. I would definitely go back there if I had a chance to.
4. South Korea-
- Location- Location is a particular place or position. There are technically 2 kinds of location. There is relative location and then there is absolute location. South Korea's relative location is East of Mongolia, South of North Korea, and West of Japan. It's absolute location is 35 degrees East and 65 degrees North.
- Place- Place is a particular position or point in space. It is also an area that is defined by everything in it. South Korea has many places such as Seoul, Jeju Island, Songnisan National Park, etc.
- Human Environmental Interaction- Human Environmental Interaction is the relationships between people and their environment. Basically it is how people adapt to their environment and how they change it. South Korea has a peninsula so it had an effect of making people go fishing. It was one of their main hobbies. They have made factories but has contributed to air pollution and then causes acid rain.
- Movement- Movement is the way people, products, information and ideas move from one place to another. People in Korea often use buses and trains. It is the same for items and products.
- Region- Region is an area that is defined by certain similar characteristics. Characteristics such as physical, natural, human, and culture. South Korea can be divided into four regions. Where some regions have mountains, rivers, coastal plains, etc.
- Reflection on Trip- the trip to South Korea was amazing. But then again I felt a little insecure because of how they said they would nuke America. Other than that, they had an amazing area there. I went to shrines and temples. I went there for a vacation for about a week. I also wore some of their cultural clothes.
5. India-
- Location- Location is a particular place or position. There are technically 2 kinds of location. There is relative location and then there is absolute location. India's relative location is that it is Southwest of China and South of Nepal. India's absolute location is 28 degrees North and 77 degrees East.
- Place- Place is a particular position or point in space. It is also an area that is defined by everything in it. India has many places such as Bangalore, Munnar, Goa, etc.
- Human Environmental Interaction- Human Environmental Interaction is the relationships between people and their environment. Basically it is how people adapt to their environment and how they change it. Some Human Environment Interactions of India are building roads, building houses, cutting down trees, learning how to survive with little water, throwing litter, etc.
- Movement- Movement is the way people, products, information and ideas move from one place to another. People in India would move by railways, roads, and water transports. They would shipping and ports to deliver the things they needed to deliver.
- Region- Region is an area that is defined by certain similar characteristics. Characteristics such as physical, natural, human, and culture. India has six regions, Central India, East India, North India, Northeast India, South India, and West India.
- Reflection on Trip- India was such an amazing place to go to. There were some places there that was rural and urban. But looking around where I was it look more urban. I had the best exotic food and it was just so delicious. One kind of food I tried was Chole which was chickpea curry. I stayed at India for about a few weeks. I have got to admit, it was one of the best stays I've ever had. The climate there was fair enough. I got to visit mountains too. I can't wait to come back here again!